A white wall is a fool's paper
الحائط الابيض يلوثه البلهاء بالكاتبة
A wise man cares not for what he cannot have
الانسان الحكيم لايبالي بما لايستطيع امتلاكه
barking dogs seldom bite
الكلاب النابحة نادرا ما تعض
Better an open enemy than a false friend
عدو يجاهرك بالعداء خير من صديق زائف
Cast not at the shadow and lose the substance
اياك ان تهتم بالقشور وتترك الجوهر
Among the blind the one eyed is a king
الاعور في بلد العميان ملك
هناك 6 تعليقات:
حلوين اوى واحسن اللى فيهم
اخر تلات امثال والاخيره خالص الاخص
soooo nice good work
very nice proverbs
and here's another one
keep your friends close and your enemies closer'
i don't know if it was a good advice or not!
anyway thank you guys really i liked them
keep up the good work
اياك ان تهتم بالقشور وتترك الجوهر
هى دى
عيد سعيد
thanks Ahmed and shreen
keep it up
it is realy useful
Hello :)
Really I'm very pleased with this site, and your great efforts my teachers.
Looking forward to learn more and more from u.
Please accept all my respect and esteem
I'll try hard not to let you down.
Thank you again.
Your student,
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