الأربعاء، 24 سبتمبر 2008


A man sought advice from the prophet Mohammed (PBUH) . The prophet (PBUH) said to him
“Don’t be angry”, the man repeatedly sought for more advice and the prophet (PBUH) repeated, “Don’t be angry” [Refer to Bukhari]. Now, it is scientifically and medically proved that anger as a form of human reaction affects human heart. It increases the rate of heart beating to an abnormal or unnatural state and consequently increases the blood pushed in the blood
vessels .and increases the probability of blood pressure and heart attack

(PBUH):صلى الله عليه وسلم
human reaction:رد الفعل البشرى
heart beating:ضربات القلب
blood vessels:الاوعية الدموية
blood pressure:ضغط الدم

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